Sorry I have not posted for a while I have been busy reading Baily's Hunting Directory and enjoying the antics of Charles James. However it seems there has been a report this week that one of the anti-hunting people has apparently said that hunt supporters and hunt staff should 'grow up'. There is a human saying that I think applies here, it goes “the pot calling the kettle black.” Let me explain why.
Anti-hunting people who turn up to disrupt legal hunting activities almost always have their faces covered so they can't be identified, but they insist that hunt supporters must not do the same. The female human I live with has told me that over all the years she has been following hounds, she has only ever seen 2 anti-hunting people who did not do this. I can't understand why they do it if their intentions are as pure and honest as they claim. Many of these people spend a large part of the time when out on those days shouting and screaming abuse, often very vitriolic and deliberately offensive; to me, this appears little better than playground bullying, especially as it seems to be done to try to provoke a response that they can then use as propaganda to claim that hunt supporters started the trouble.Another example that illustrates the childish approach of many anti-hunting people is given in a LACS blog posted on Thursday in which claims of cruelty are made. However, there is nothing to say when or where the acts were supposed to have happened, no real evidence at all, just a lot of unsubstantiated half-baked allegations that they expect people to believe just because they have made the assertion. My favourite part of that blog is the accusation that hunters are 'little more than thugs'. This from an organisation which has a number of members who have been known to indulge in physical attacks against hunt supporters, or anyone that they believe to have links to hunts. I've heard of a number of incidents where anti-hunt people have turned up with baseball bats, home-made caltrops, or other improvised weapons – but they seem to think it's acceptable when they do it. And if they love animals so much, I can't see why so many have taken actions that hurt them – paint thrown over children's ponies, hounds beaten to death with hammers, or even whole packs of hounds stolen and the only one recovered having been mutilated.
So who really needs to 'grow up' here? I know who I would pick.